How to Publish Your Dental Implant Research

As a professional dentist, you have a great deal to offer your patients and the academic community at large alike. While you work to stay abreast of the latest technology impacting dental implants and their benefits to society, you may very well embark on your own research. This can prove valuable to other professionals in your field, so writing about it is a great way to make the necessary impact. With that in mind, continue reading to learn how to publish your dental implant research.


Look for Relevant Journals

The dentistry field is highly specialized. As such, you will want to consider those academic journals that are focused on helping dental professionals further protect their techniques. When you consider implants in clinical dentistry, you will want to look for journals that publish research findings specifically related to this area. That will give your article the best chance of getting …

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3 Benefits of Receiving an MRI

Technology is rapidly advancing in the field of medicine. This is not only evident by the increasing lifespan witnessed today in many countries around the world, but also in the quality of life that people are enjoying. One of the ground breaking pieces of medical equipment is the MRI machine, which has enabled doctors to gain a more complete picture of what is happening in the body. This allows them to make a diagnosis for a wide array of ailments, whereas this was simply not possible in the past. You may have heard conflicting reports about the need for an MRI in certain situations, so continue reading to learn more about the benefits of receiving such a test.

No Exposure To Radiation

Many people should not be exposed to radiation, which is the key requirement to taking a traditional x-ray. Pregnant women and babies, for example, are particularly at risk …

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Oral Health Tips For A Healthier You

Health TipsThe healthcare channel has everything you want for a fit and healthy physique, we have a whole medical listing with many frequent medical complaints as well as some you may not have heard of.

Since the mid-1990s, the number of Americans suffering from at the least three persistent diseases virtually doubled. Life expectancy has decreased, while toddler mortality has elevated. Illnesses once thought of uncommon – like heart disease, stroke, cancer, and Alzheimer’s illness – are now common. Some are even approaching epidemic levels. As winter season began, everybody have to be cautious in what you eat. Few fruits and vegetables are needs to be avoided in these winter months. So get the advice of your family medical doctors and schedule yourself. Eat a wholesome and nutritious diets with contemporary fruit and veggies. This helps in defending our body from causing diseases like cold and cough. New Year’s resolutions are …

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Improve your mental health today – Experts speak about some well-proven ways

It requires more than a diagnosis to check your mental health. Your mental health depends on the overall psychological well-being and the way in which you feel about your own self and also the ability to tackle your feelings and deal with everyday issues. While you may need to seek help of a professional in order to take good care of your mental health, you may even need to take few steps to enhance your emotional health on your own.

When you bring about such changes in your life, this will pay off in several area of your life. It can build resilience, improve your mood and add to the enjoyment of your life. Here are few ways to take care of your mental health.

#1: Always tell something positive to yourself

Research reveals that the way you think of yourself will have a critical impact on how you actually …

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No One is Safe from the Effects of Drug Abuse


Everyone has heard the mounting number of stories related to drug abuse in America, but you may think it is simply a problem that won’t affect you or your family. Unfortunately, drug abuse is spreading. It is even reaching the rural areas. This means that it is no longer a problem that only faces those in living in the city. Knowledge is your most powerful defense against this problem. Learning how drug abuse affects everyone, who is at risk, and how you can get help from programs like Stout Street clinic rehab will allow you to do your part in regaining control of this terrible issue.

Understanding the Facts

The United States is in the midst of drug overdose epidemic. Close to 64,000 Americans died in 2016 from drug overdose. That was 174 people that lost their lives to drugs each day. This number of deaths is higher than those …

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