To Your Health: Flu season myths and facts

Flu season is right around the corner, which means it’s time to get your flu shot. So last Thursday, Mary and I both got our 2023 flu shot in one arm and our NEW Covid booster for both “original” Covid AND Omicron in the other arm. A little afternoon but not bad at all!

With COVID-19 and other potentially serious respiratory illnesses, like RSV (respiratory syncytial virus), circulating at the same time as the flu, getting your shot is as important as ever. And with so many misconceptions about the flu and flu vaccine, it’s a fitting time of year to review some new or typical myths and address them with some facts.

Since the advent of preventive measures to protect against COVID-19, some think wearing a mask, washing their hands and keeping distance from others will be enough to protect against the flu.

It’s true that these precautions we

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Could a pill to strengthen muscle and bone replace exercise?

A close-up of the arm muscles of a muscular male, in dark moody lightingShare on Pinterest
Scientists are edging closer to finding solutions for muscle and bone loss. Jonathan Knowles/Getty Images
  • Physical activity is known to promote bone and muscle health.
  • Aging, lifestyle, and chronic disease can lead to physical inactivity, which is associated with bone and muscle loss.
  • New research has now identified a drug that can mimic physical exercise in mice.
  • The new drug, called locamidazole, can increase bone formation, mineral density, muscle thickness, and muscle strength in mice.

When we are physically active our bones and muscles work together to make them stronger. To maintain bone health, the American College of Sports Medicine recommends a combination of weight-bearing activities 3–5 times per week and resistance exercise 2–3 times a week.

Research has shown lifelong exercise to be beneficial for preserving bone health, and a reduction in physical exercise results in bone loss. The CDC advocates regular physical activity to strengthen

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FACT SHEET: At United Nations General Assembly, President Biden Announces $2.9 Billion in Additional Funding to Strengthen Global Food Security

Today, in his address to the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. announced over $2.9 billion in new assistance from the US Government to address global food insecurity. President Biden’s announcement builds on the $6.9 billion in US government assistance to support global food security already committed this year.

The compounding impacts of the pandemic, the deepening climate crisis, rising energy and fertilizer costs, and protracted conflicts – including Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – have disrupted global supply chains and dramatically increased global food prices. A multi-year drought in the Horn of Africa has created a direct humanitarian emergency, with parts of Somalia at risk of famine for the second time in just over a decade. This new announcement of $2.9 billion will save lives through emergency interventions and invest in medium to long term food security assistance in order to protect the

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Statement about transgender health care at VUMC | VUMC Reporter

Vanderbilt University Medical Center is now the subject of social media posts and a video that misrepresents facts about the care the Medical Center provides to transgender patients.

VUMC began its Transgender Health Clinic because transgender individuals are a high-risk population for mental and physical health issues and have been consistently underserved by the US health system.

We have been and will continue to be committed to providing family-centered care to all adolescents in compliance with state law and in line with professional practice standards and guidance established by medical specialty societies.

VUMC requires parental consent to treat a minor patient who is to be seen for issues related to transgender care, and never refuses parental involvement in the care of transgender youth who are under age 18.

Our policies allow employees to decline to participate in care they find morally objectionable, and do not permit discrimination against employees who

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FACT SHEET: President Biden Raises Record Level Funding for Global Health through Global Fund Seventh Replenishment

Today, at the Global Fund Seventh Replenishment Conference, President Biden announced that the replenishment conference had raised $14.25 billion to date, the largest amount ever raised for the Global Fund and one of the largest fundraising efforts for global health ever.

Over the past 20 years, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund) has invested more than $53 billion, saving 44 million lives and reducing the combined death rate from HIV, TB, and malaria by more than half in the low- and middle-income countries where the Global Fund invests. On September 21, 2022, the United States Government and the Global Fund brought together governments, civil society, and the private sector at the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment Conference in New York to take bold action toward the fight against HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria .

Government donors and the private sector formally pledged their contributions to ensure the

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